Yes, I am talking about the literal edible thing BREAD.
Let's talk about BREAD.
Man cannot live by bread alone. Sure! Man needs water too.
Today was a busy day. I went to Pureza where I use to study. The place hadn't changed a bit since the last time I went there. The people---they changed drastically. As if, I don't know them anymore. like I'm some outcast... he,he... this is mushy...
Anyway, my friend (codename:ADS), asked me to accompany her in buying a good printer. So we canvassed at every PC shop at Gilmore. And I was amazed by the latest models of laptop PCs. Oh! Sometimes I just wish I'm a rich kid who could buy anything I want in a snap of a finger.
ADS and I just kept bothering salesmen about the printers' specifications and quality. Until we found the printer we want and needed!
Yes! The day's mission is successful and it's time for a nice meal, since we haven't got a bite after going to Pureza.
We decided to eat at Gateway and indulge ourselves with the finest breads in BreadTalk!
But we couldn't find a seat at BreadTalk! so we decided to take out the breads and eat at Farmer's foodcourt. But the Farmer's foodcourt is 'heavily noised' by the night's band and blabbing people around.
We went to the nearest Mc Donald's, ordered Sarsi Float and Mc Do's Hot Choco and hoped to have a good eat... but..
a woman, sitted in on our table. She ordered Mc Do's latest nuggets. And as I await for ADS (ordering our beverages), she's somewhat friendly.
ADS came back, and we started to devouringly eat our yummy and expensive bread. She ate the BreadTalk! Pizza Bread, while I ate something chocolatey (can't remember the name). We offered the woman in front of us some bread, but of course, she resisted.
I cannot recall how our conversation with the woman, named Shirley, started. But we talked about finishing school, because ADS is an undergraduate artist. We discussed the importance of finishing school and its benefits. While ADS insisted onfinishing school is not really an important matter....
Oh...hmm.. I think I'll stop now... I've been having cough and not feeling well. Oh no! I don't want to be sick! I have lot's of upcoming projects, and me, being not in the office will be one big problem.
Just the point of this entry...Breads are delicious.
I tasted five types of bread today..Shawarma Bread (the one & only shawarma that I eat from Fairview courtesy of ADS)
Banana Cake from some bakery (it's really yummy!)
BreadTalk! Pizza Bread
BreadTalk! Chocolate bread-something w/ Almonds toppings (I swear I would know its name sooner or maybe later...)
BreadTalk! Floss-Bread-Something (haven't eaten it yet really. just a bite, tasted like chicken)
Boy! These breads are expensive! (40, 10, 36, 36, 55)
Well, about the woman that we talked to...
the topic is that
If you plant the weath well today, someday you'll be able to bake the bread. It may be expensive, it may cost you something, but the harder you work on it, the yummiest it will be!
I can't afford to buy the yummiest cake at BreadTalk! But I am planning to buy a cake for my mom's birthday ... It cost 700...what!!!!
Ok..I'll try but no promises...
Hmm... this composition doesn't seem to focus on one topic...
I'm always feeling dizzy for the past few days and I don't know why...
I can't think straight I better rest...
... maybe because I lacked sleep last night... to rest ....