Can I Be Your Friend? Getting Tekky

It's funny lately, that I communicate with my friends thru on-line communications such as Messengers, E-Mails, & Friendster.
Like Jonhess, he was an old friend during high school days. He once bumped into my life when I tried to join a music band and tried to learn how to play saxophone. I have never seen him for about 6 or 7 years. I am glad he was looking for me..hehehe. I didn't knew that I had an impact in his life. I don't remember much of my past, but somehow I remember him... NOT!
hehehe..I hope he isn't reading this... kidding Jonhess...
I approved his "MUSHY" testimonial because he's an OLD friend. hehe..take note: OLD!!! joking again!!!
Thanks to him I remebered stuffs about me when I was young.
Another guy...
I also had a lot of "spiritual" talk with an old churhmate too. I won't mention his name here, because we are having those 'confidential' talks...hahaha...I'm just making it exaggerated... heheh
He's the one that I could say that I can really talk about anything-- from the deepest purpose in life to the shallowest thing as Denver the Last Dinosaur.
I really don't know him personally, but by the way he speaks up, I think he's one reliable person, and like I've known him for a long time... well, yes I knew him, but...ahm...whatever..heheh..maybe we just have the same interests...
BTW, he has taught me a lot... and someday...somehow.. i'll find a way to repay him... He's an answered prayer.
To God be the thanks...
So as I have said earlier,
I communicate with my friends thru the net, because of the busy work sked and me being busy with my family and myself (?)
Friendster, Messenger, Internet...
Friendster, Messenger, Internet...
have influenced many of today's social life. I don't know if I should approve with such sitiation, because it's like I'm getting used to talking with the monitor and speaking with my keyboard.
For now, this is my lifestyle, my social life, if you call that getting socialized...
Isn't technology taking hold so much of our time??? and our life?

For now, this is my lifestyle, my social life, if you call that getting socialized...
Isn't technology taking hold so much of our time??? and our life?

Will you call me weird if I imagine, someday, those big companies are holding our necks if we want to 'survive extinction' from this world?
And the people that we talk to thru mesengers,
And the people that we talk to thru mesengers,
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